
Powerdirector Youtube Channels

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    tentang editing polsek pagelaran

    Apple VC

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    About all the Apple Apple VC

    Ryan Stone Music

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    The Ryan Stone Music channel has posted the following lyric videos, made with PowerDirector by, set to *RSM's original songs:
    I'll Break Your Fall
    The Color of Your Eyes
    Say Anything
    Sugar Free
    Break Away
    The Years
    The Crowd I Need
    The Little Things

    ABOUT Ryan Stone Music:

    *Hailing out of Miami, *RSM hits the music scene with a sound that is unmistakably unique and the potential to crossover a multitude of genres ranging from alternative/rock to contemporary mainstream-fusion.

    *Fusing energy with melody, *RSM creates songs that are long lasting and highly addictive.
    Even Billboard Magazine and Song of the Year recognized Ryan Stone Music as an influential
    powerhouse when not one, but three of his songs, “Fallen”, “Breakaway” and “1 and 1 Makes 3”, were honorably mentioned!
    Linda Madeline

    Bob R

    Channel Description Author

    Tune in and Watch my videos and slideshows created on my laptop, using CYBERLINK PowerDirector 16 video editing software program, our collection of family photos, Cards, Letters and some old cassette voice recordings from the 1960's and 70's. I produced these shows in what I call "LITTLE BOBBY STUDIO'S", located on South Padre Island, TX., Little Bobby was my family nickname.

    My productions include, Salt Water Fishing adventures in the Texas Gulf, Marine Corps Boot Camp, Bad Karaoke Nights and some pretty heart warming and interesting Family Legacy Slideshows. I hope you enjoy my work. And stop by often to see my latest creations.

    Semper Fi,
    Bob R

    Little Bobby,Little Bobby Studio's, S.P.I., Texas
    Bob Reece


    Channel Description Author
    My Channel contains several materials with different subjects produced by PowerDirector since version 11 through the new version.

    Foto Hysteria

    Channel Description Author
    I live and travel full-time in my RV. This allows me to do my photography and videos of what I see and share it. Michael

    Sharper Turtle

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    Short (4-8 minute) tutorials for video editing software (currently approaching 200 lessons on PowerDirector) and some tutorials for Microsoft Office applications. Jim Levitt


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    Musically synced videos of the area in the UK where I live and places visited over the years. Ken Tarbox

    Rev. Dawn Lynn

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    Reverend Dawn Lynn is your Everyday Medium. She's just like you, except she happens to talk to Spirit... all the time. This channel is where she talks about her take on Spirituality, giving it to you straight – the good, bad, ugly, and fun!

    All of her videos are edited by me (Don) in Powerdirector with the exception of her FB and YouTube Live replays. Versions used have been PD12, 13, 14 and 15!
    Don Greyson & Rev. Dawn Lynn

    Scott Roberts

    Channel Description Author
    I started this channel a while back to post some random stuff. Over the past year it has become a tribute/archive for the singer Christina Grimmie who was tragically killed at a meet and greet after her concert on June 10th, 2016 at the age of 22. I had the privilege of meeting Christina a few times and was an extra in what was to be her final music video.

    As someone said while she was a fantastic singer she was really great at getting people to fall in love with her.

    I have been posting videos to help Team Grimmie work through the process of losing someone. We can heal through sharing. The world would be better off if we did more of that.
    Scott Roberts

    Haphazard Homestead

    Channel Description Author
    How to get the most out of the land and plants around you -- in your garden, your yard, your neighborhood, or out in the wild.
    In the words of Fiona Apple - "My method is uncertain. It's a mess, but it's workin'."
    Growin', pickin, rootin' around, and runnin' amok on - and off - 1.3 acres in Oregon's Willamette Valley. All my videos are edited with PD 13 or 14.
    Holly Hartmann

    Five 12 Media

    Channel Description Author
    Different variety of videos from shorts, music videos, and weddings... Ludrick Rell C. Cooper

    Pekka Kilponen

    Channel Description Author
    My videos. Mainly MC stuff. Video are later will be powerdirector edited. Pekka Kilponen

    Wacky Wood Works

    Channel Description Author
    My goal is simply to inspire others, by making easy projects with wood, plastic, metal, fabric, cardboard & anything else. Most projects are made purely off the cuff and only have a general idea how it will turn out.

    I don't have a fancy workshop like you see on other ''youtube channels'' & you will see dust, lots of it. I have a messy basement workshop with only a 1/3 of it with a concrete floor. I have no intention of making a video to a set timetable they will come out when I have time.

    All videos edited in PowerDirector, also using ColorDirector and AudioDirector
    Dale Forsyth


    Channel Description Author
    I make videos on adventurous activities like theme parks , attractions sites etc I use Power Director 14 to edit my videos. Abdul haseeb

    Gassed Up

    Channel Description Author
    Hi my name is Joe Marano and I make cars and driving related videos on YouTube using Powerdirector and my main camera the Panasonic Lumix G7. Joe Marano


    Channel Description Author
    I motovlog on a 2017 Harley Davidson Street Glide Special. I talk about random topics and enjoy interacting with others. I use PowerDirector 15. Colin


    Channel Description Author
    Highlight, Lowlight and Informative videos of my college ultimate frisbee team. All edits are done by myself. Videos are captured by SONY HDR-CX405.
    Thanks for following.
    Mustafa ÇAĞLAK

    PowerDirector University

    Channel Description Author
    PowerDirector tutorials. Maliek Whitaker

    Jason Mason

    Channel Description Author
    Videos shot of my life and family on a GoPro and Cannon t5i. Edited completely in PowerDirector Jason Mason


    Channel Description Author
    This channel is dedicated to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Grappling, Competitive Shooting and other hobbies to help improve our lifestyles.
    Honor and Respect one another.
    Luis Henry

    Beyond SightSound

    Channel Description Author
    Videos of various topics from our travels in Cambodia and other places Jim Edwards

    Chris Lauterbach

    Channel Description Author
    "My Journeys" - Events and activities in nearly 40 Years of video recording.

    Encampments, Re-enactments, Historical Events, Air Shows.
    Chris Lauterbach


    Channel Description Author
    Free Powerdirector intros, express projects and templates Godfrey