Powerdirector Family Slideshow V1 Theme Designer Template
A Powerdirector business template for your next business presentation!
This Slideshow Theme have nine scenes and have eleven placeholders.
The background music is included, but you may replace it with your own personal background music.
The intor title as wll as the ending credits are editable.
As always, I really appreciate your valuable feedback, so please don’t forget to post via the comments section.
Extract the ZIP archive with an archive extractor and double-click the self-installation file. You will find the template under the Theme Designer in Powerdirector, under the name “PD Family Slideshow V1”.
Powerdirector Family Slideshow V1 Theme Designer Template
Download “PDFamilySlideshowV1” PDFamilySlideshowV1.zip – Downloaded 586 times –
Thanks very much for creating these templates they are amazing.
Can you help me with this one issue I’m having. I have downloaded a few templates on the directorzone website. These templates show fine in the magic movie wizard but when i go into theme designer only some of them are showing.
Any advice on getting these templates to show inside thems designer also, do i need to modify the package?
Here is a link to the site: https://directorzone.cyberlink.com/MGS/
So far the only template that shows in theme designer is the one called Picture Frames https://directorzone.cyberlink.com/detail/132769010
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks again for your work
P.S. Any chance you can have another link to your downloads maybe google drive or somewhere. The downloads are very slow on the website. No worries if not.
The reason you see some templates in magic movie wizard and then others in the theme designer is because of the way it is created. Some are meant for only magic movie wizard while others for the theme designer. However, with the latest templates, I’m trying to create them all to be accessible in the theme designer.
The template you are referring to in your links are not mine. They are from Cyberlink.
As far as the downloads are concerned, they are all on mediafire in the backend.
Thanks for the reply.
Just checked your templates and they show up in both theme designer and magic movie wizard which is great.
I hope there is a way to make the ones on cyberlink to show in theme designer also as there is a nice collection too.
Look forward to your new templates in the future its really amazing work. I really appreciate it.
Do you have a donation link?
Downloads are fast now it must been problem with my connection.
Thank you for your appreciation of my work.
Here is my donation link as requested.
Thank you and Cheers
WOW, Amazing
Thanks very much for creating these templates they are awesome.
It gives me great pleasure sharing them.