Powerdirector Free Sports Lower Thirds
Hi guys, here are x5 free lower thirds for you to choose from. These lower thirds are meant for your Sport events.
Please set the title duration to 19 seconds to get the timing of each title correct.
Feel free to download them and start editing 🙂
I really appreciate your valuable feedback, so please let me know what you think.
After you extracted the zip folder, just double click on each DZT file and they will automatically install to Powerdirector. You will find them under “Downloaded” in the Title Room.
Powerdirector Free Sports Lower Thirds
Download “PDSportsLowerThirds” PDSportsLowerThirds.zip – Downloaded 311 times –
Thank you so much for these extraordinary tools. You and they are much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your appreciation 🙂
Thanks fot he new Lower Thirds. They can also be used for other themes.
My greatest pleasure.
Hello, your text animation works are very good, can you give a template tutorial on how to make this text animation? Thank you
No promises, but when I have more time, I will create a tutorial
Hola, gracias por todo lo que compartes …… me gusta mucho
Gracias por tu apreciación 🙂
I can’t get this one to download, and I am really excited about it for some volleyball highlight videos. Is the link broken? I got the pop up ad, but it won’t start downloading…
I’ve made a temp alternative download link. When you click the download button, you will be redirected to the alternative link.
Thanks! But I got a download limit reached error. I guess I will need to try again tomorrow?
Sorry for that, but I guess you’ll have to visit again 🙂
Very appreciative of your superior work!!
Thank you very much for your appreciation!