Powerdirector Fireworks V1&2

Powerdirector Fireworks V1
It is that time of the year where it’s time for celebration again! This year I believe was the toughest year for us all. We think about those family and friends who left us behind and we pray for them. For us who are still part of life here on earth, there’s a reason to celebrate and thank the Heavenly Father that He carried us through.

I’ve created a few sparkles for our festive videos and believe I will create more to spice up our videos. These are all .mov files which have alpha transparency and ready to be used in Powerdirector. I hope you can make good use of them.

You may use these animated sparkles in your own projects, but I won’t be held liable for any damages which you might incur either directly or indirectly through the use of these animation files.

You agree to carry the full responsibility for damages by using these files in your projects, otherwise please just do not download them.

Download “PDFireworksV1” FIREWORKS.zip – Downloaded 375 times –

Powerdirector Fireworks V2

Download “PDFireworksV2” fireworksv2.zip – Downloaded 134 times –

Powerdirector Whirls

Download “PDWhirls” whirls.zip – Downloaded 88 times –

Powerdirector Sunflares Pack

Download “PDSunFlaresPack” flares.zip – Downloaded 80 times –

Powerdirector SparkleBurst Pack

Download “PDSparkleBurstPack” sparkleburst.zip – Downloaded 83 times –

15 thoughts on “Powerdirector Fireworks V1&2

    1. PDTemplateZone Post author

      I humbly apologize. There was an error with the download plugin. Thanks for letting me know. I have corrected it and downloads should work normally now.

  1. optodata

    I was able to download it even without logging in, but MS Edge reports the Mediafire site/page as dangerous and I had to go through a couple of steps to reach the download page.

    At that point a message in the main window offering an Edge extension appeared with a “Download Now” button that was unrelated to the FIREWORKS.zip file that had already begun downloading, so anyone wanting to get this needs to be aware of the risks 🙁

    1. PDTemplateZone Post author

      Thank you for sharing. I intentionally removed the restriction because of the download error. I think the reason for MS Edge’s report is because Mediafire is giving non-secure links for some time now. I’ve updated their link to SSL and notice that the link is still working. Let’s see what happens in the future and if other members experience the same.

      1. optodata

        The new SSL links work beautifully, and no Mediafire pages load that users have to be wary of. I had to login to download this time, but it’s a much better experience now. The transparent fireworks clips look great, too! Thank you for making them and sharing them with the PD community 🙂

    1. PDTemplateZone Post author

      Hi CaralynnH

      You can extract them anywhere you like and then import them like any other video clip to use them in your projects.

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