Powerdirector Free Black & White 10x Title Pack
Hi guys, here are x10 free titles for your next video. As video producers we always have room for more templates and that is why PDTemplateZone tries to fill the gap!
As always, these title templates are free to download and use, you don’t pay a penny for them! Unfortunately, the music in the demo video is not part of the titles and therefor not included.
I really appreciate your valuable feedback, so please let me know what you think.
Just download the zip and extract the zip file. You will find x10 titles inside the zip file. Double click each of them and the titles will automatically install to Powerdirector. You will find them under the “Downloaded” section in the Title Room of Powerdirector.
Powerdirector Free Black & White 10x Title Pack
Download “PDBlackWhiteTitlePack” PDBlackWhiteTitlePack.zip – Downloaded 561 times –Powerdirector Free Black & White 10x Title Pack V2
Download “PDBlackWhiteTitlePackV2” PDBlackWhiteTitlePackV2.zip – Downloaded 266 times –
nice work! your a pro! thanks for sharing
Thank you for your nice compliment 🙂
Very nice work indeed!! Quick question: my audience retention is very sketchy even at 10 seconds long. At 17, I lose people. Any chance the same Title Pack here can be reduced in duration?
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to shorten the already created titles, but I’ve created version 2 of the pack which have a duration of 10 seconds each.
Thank you, appreciated!!
My greatest pleasure! 🙂
thank you very much
My pleasure. Hope you enjoy it! 🙂
thank you very mach
Thank you. Hope you can make good use of it.
Thank You Very Much
Thank You
These are excellent ! Such a refreshing change to the canned ones in the actual product. Thank you.
Thank you very much! Appreciated!