In PART #2 we have learned how to add two planes to our workspace which we are going to animate. In this tutorial we will see how to actually create our custom 3d transition and add it to Powerdirector. So…

In PART #2 we have learned how to add two planes to our workspace which we are going to animate. In this tutorial we will see how to actually create our custom 3d transition and add it to Powerdirector. So…
Powerdirector Disintegration Effect Theme Designer Template Hi guys, this is my first try to create an after effects like affect with Powerdirector. I will try to improve on this and add more depending of member’s interest in these type of…
In this tutorial, I will take you step by step through the process of creating your own 3D transition for Powerdirector. This should basically work for any version of Powerdirector. We all know that it is an easy job creating…