Powerdirector 10x Free Glitter Lower Thirds

Powerdirector 10x Free Glitter Lower Thirds

Hi guys, here are x10 free lower thirds for you to choose from. These lower thirds can be used for any event.

The gratitude of members for the Sports Lower thirds were so overwhelming that I decided to dedicate the next few days on creating more lower thirds. 🙂


Feel free to download them and start editing 🙂

I really appreciate your valuable feedback, so please let me know what you think.


After you extracted the zip folder, just double click on each DZT file and they will automatically install to Powerdirector. You will find them under “Downloaded” in the Title Room.

Powerdirector Free Glitter Lower Thirds

Download “PDGlitterLowerThirds” PDGlitterLowerthirds.zip – Downloaded 676 times –

11 thoughts on “Powerdirector 10x Free Glitter Lower Thirds

  1. jartioli

    These are great! Thanks for creating them! Is there a way to change the color of the border/text? I am looking to get one of these in Red color.

    1. PDTemplateZone Post author

      Yes, they should work in PD19. You can extract anywhere! There is an installation file inside the zip folder. Double click the installation file and it will automatically install

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