Powerdirector Animated Christmas Title

Hi All

This is my first Christmas title I created for 2018. I plan to upload all Christmas Title creations to this page, so stay tuned 🙂

The title is transparent, so you have the option to use your very own background ( even a picture of you and the family )

You are not allowed to sell it or make it available as a download somewhere else. The other thing as usual is, you will not hold me or my associates (wife and kids) 🙂 liable for any damage incurred by you by using these templates. By downloading the templates, you agree that all risks rest entirely upon you alone 🙂 If you do not agree, please do not download.

Please set the duration of the title to 5 seconds.

Powerdirector Animated Burning Titles

Download “xmas title” PDTemplateZone_-_X-Mas_Title.zip – Downloaded 379 times –

5 thoughts on “Powerdirector Animated Christmas Title

  1. avelinovieira

    Hello MALIEK
    I can not download the Christmas templates.
    I can download for example those of Neon
    Thank you.
    Hugs and Merry Christmas

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