Powerdirector Trailer Title V2

A free golden background title trailer for powerdirector. You may use this title trailer in your projects completely free of charge. Very easy to use. You only have to replace the text with your own. Copy the whole folder to your Cyberlink ExpressProject folder and the project will be available the next time you start Powerdirector, or extract the contents and use as is. The music used in this project is copyrighted and I’ll advise you to buy it from the author at audiojungle. I will not be held liable if you use the music without the permission of the author.

Download “PD Trailer Title V2” Trailer_Title_V2.rar – Downloaded 315 times –

6 thoughts on “Powerdirector Trailer Title V2

        1. admin Post author

          Oh, sorry for that. The reason for x3 downloads per day is because someone was abusing the downloads by using a robot to download multiple files simultaneously. That is why I had to implement the restriction. Sorry though for the inconvenience.

    1. PDTemplateZone Post author

      Hi Joseph

      Unfortunately only some of the templates work in PD12. You need PD13 and up for most of the templates.

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