Another Powerdirector Template for PDTemplateZone members!
A Picture Slideshow Template to use for your Sports Slideshow.
This template can be used as an intro for your next Athletics project.
Your feedback is always much appreciated, so do not forget to send it to me.
Extract the ZIP archive with an archive extractor such as winzip or similar and double-click the self-installation file. You will find the template under the Theme Designer in Powerdirector, under the name “PD ATHLETE V1”.
This is my New Year’s Gift to you for 2018. Happy New Year!
Download “PDAthleteV1” – Downloaded 351 times –
Hi Godfrey,
Baie dankie my Mater jy is ‘n ster, ek gaan baie pret he met die een, ‘n baie voorspoedige jaar (2018) aan jou en jou gesin, mag julle geseend wees en baie ryk word.
Hi Hennie.
Groot plesier. Ek hou van die ryk-word wense. 🙂 Voorspoedige 2018 daardie kant ook