Powerdirector Builders Logo Reveal Theme Designer Template
Another Powerdirector business template for your next business presentation!
The audio file is included, but you are welcome to use your own custom audio file for this presentation.
At the end of the intro, you can also add your own custom text in the Powerdirector timeline.
I really appreciate all and every feedback, so please feel free to post in the comments section.
Extract the ZIP archive with an archive extractor and double-click the self-installation file. You will find the template under the Theme Designer in Powerdirector, under the name “PDBuildersLogoReveal”.
Powerdirector Builders Logo Reveal Theme Designer Template
Download “PDBuildersLogoReveal” PDBuildersLogoReveal.zip – Downloaded 306 times –
Really appreciate you sharing these!
Really appreciate!
My pleasure!