Powerdirector Product Promotion Theme Designer Template
A Powerdirector infographics template for your next graphics promotion!
This Slideshow Theme can hold fourteen (14) product pictures. Unfortunately, due to Powerdirector Video Editor restrictions, I could only add an intro title to the template. You could however add text yourself. Even at the end I could not add default text. I had to add the url at the end of the template AFTER I added it to the timeline. So just play around with Powerdirector Title designer, add your own text and you should be good.
As usual the audio file is included, but you might want to use your own sound to add your own personal touch to the slideshow.
I really appreciate your valuable feedback, so please remember to send it to me.
Extract the ZIP archive with an archive extractor and double-click the self-installation file. You will find the template under the Theme Designer in Powerdirector, under the name “PD Product Promotion”.
Powerdirector Product Promotion Theme Designer Template
Download “PDProductPromotion” PDProductPromotion.zip – Downloaded 255 times –
Loving your templates. Thanks.
Thank you for appreciating my work!
What am I doing wrong?
I have downloaded the latest new templates and loaded them into my PowerDirector18 365.
None of the templates work except “Graduation
With the others e.g. ” Product Promotion,Sweet Memories; Movie Logo Intro,Bsn Presentation, Fireball Logo it always comes to a standstill after 46%.
I can only stop it via the task manager.
By bus. Presentation and Fireball Logo and Sweet Memories even the PD18 crashes and I am asked to write a bug report.
Is there any help ?
Thank you very much.
I do not own PD18 365, but it looks like PD18 365 is connecting to the Powerdirector Servers and looking for something. I downloaded the trial version of PD18 and install it shortly to see if I can pinpoint what is the issue. Until then, keep your fingers crossed.
I really don’t have an idea what the problem could be your side. I’ve downloaded the trial of PD18 and installed it and tested with two of the templates you mention. for your convenience, I recorded myself working in PD18 and uploaded to youtube for your perusal. Here is the resulting video:
Thank you very much for your quick response and an even bigger thank you for all the effort you have put in.
I have called the same template as you.
Immediately a message from PowerDirector that there is no response from the server. I should check my Internet connection. But your YouTube video is running in the browser.
When I click Ok the whole computer crashes. No mouse, nothing more… Only the reset button helps.
But I see that the template was taken over and that the picture is below center 1.
After restarting the computer I selected Business Presentation.
Again the same message came from the PD18, but this time no crash.
But I could not choose another template.
Now I closed the Theme Designer and started it again.
But now without selecting anything, it’s a crash (standstill) from which only the reset button can save me.
But that means that it is not because of your templates ??
Too bad because the new templates were so nice and funny.
I will try again and get back to you if necessary.
Thanks again for your great effort.
Hi Bernd
Thank you for reporting back. I’m pretty sure it is not the templates, but unfortunately I do not know what could cause it. Maybe you if it’s possible, you should install your PD on another PC to test with. Then you will know if it is your PC or something on the PC causing it.
Kind Regards and hope you will sort it out 🙂
Wooww … I like your template Thanks.
BTW why I can’t download this template, when I click link and result limit?
You should be able to download again after 24HRS