Powerdirector Purple Wedding Theme Designer Template

Powerdirector Purple Wedding Theme Designer Template

A Powerdirector Wedding template for your next wedding event!

This Slideshow Theme can accommodate twenty three (23) photos and have 20 different scenes. Opening and ending titles were added.

The audio file is included, but you may always add your own music to give the slideshow its own personal touch. I dearly hope that you will enjoy utilising this template, just as much as I enjoyed creating it 🙂

I really appreciate your valuable feedback, so please remember to send it to me.


Extract the ZIP archive with an archive extractor and double-click the self-installation file. You will find the template under the Theme Designer in Powerdirector, under the name “PD Purple Wedding”.

Powerdirector Purple Wedding Theme Designer Template

Download “PDPurpleWedding” PDPurpleWedding.zip – Downloaded 779 times –

10 thoughts on “Powerdirector Purple Wedding Theme Designer Template

  1. ThePower

    Awesome work again.

    Any chance you can allow adding video clips also to the scene. I notice in some templates can add either a picture or a video clip. A few short wedding clips be nice to add to this beautiful template.

    Thanks again

    1. PDTemplateZone Post author

      Thank you.

      You can open the Script.xml file of the template and change the subTextureFocusType=”0″ to subTextureFocusType=”3″ wherever you want a video.

      1. Reditelj

        I cant figure out how to add video instead of pictures. I kept googling to try and get an answer, but I’m not having luck, would you mind walking me though how to achieve putting video instead of pictures.

        1. PDTemplateZone Post author

          You can open the Script.xml file of the template and change the subTextureFocusType=”0″ to subTextureFocusType=”3″ wherever you want a video.

    1. PDTemplateZone Post author

      TRANSLATION: I can’t turn on powerdirector, how will it be?

      ANSWER:Unfortunately, I have NO idea. Maybe another member could be of assistance here?

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